
Green and Purple

These are traditionally bad guy colors. In comic books, the heroes typically wear primary colors. I don't think she's a villain tho.


Green Hands

Some people have green thumbs.
Others have green hands.
Some people get caught red handed.
Others get their palms re(a)d.


Justin, Backlit

Justin is in my hallway. By the window. I like how stark the blown out window makes the images.


Golden Swirl with Teardrops

Yes, that's moss on the other breast. There some rhinestone accents too!
This image is from the Ferngully Mardi Gras shoot that I did with Pandora Rose.
Had a lot of fun playing with texture. I used a very coarse glitter, metallic and matte body paints and gold metallic powders to get the different effects.


Gold Spirals and Goose Bumps.

It was winter and the furnace was funky the day we did this shoot. Brrrr! It was a nightmare. My model was goose-bumpy and the plumber kept having to come it. We live in an imperfect world. Not everything goes according to plan. Like you needed my blog to tell you that, right?


We should be at the beach!

Summer's almost over.
Play hooky. Go to the beach.
Carpe Diem.
Tiffany is one of my favorite mermaids.


My mentor doesn't like this shot.

Ok, it's the strings of plastic beads that he really objects to.
Hi Ricardo!
I like props. They give models something to do and add some interesting textures. Yeah, plastic beads are kind cheezy but I think they were ok for this shot.


Color, Movement and Evil Trolls.

Ok, so I really don't KNOW that the troll was evil. It was kinda creepy how he kept staring at Agent N tho. This is from her troll fairy teaparty shoot. I love the striped toe socks. My studio is in a neighborhood with great dollar stores. We got the socks in one.


e.l.f. cosmetics shows me some love!

e.l.f. cosmetic features NYC Body Art on their blog!
The Emperor's New Clothes
Friday, August 14, 2009

This past year, if you've seen someone done up with from head to toe in body paint on TV or at a promo event of any kind, it's likely been the magic of NYC Body Art's Robyn Thompson. She's worked with many different groups throughout the city, notably the Tyra Banks Show, and the Flight of the Concords, gracing them with her truly beautiful body art creations. So if you find yourself looking to have your pregnant belly accentuated by symbols of love and serenity before giving birth, or perhaps to debut the very first garment-less fashions in your fall collection check out www.nycbodyart.com.

Thanks! I've gotten some e.l.f. cosmetics to play with. I've got plans for a back piece that I want to do. I'm looking for a very fair female model with no tattoos on her back. If you're in the NYC are and interested, hit me back!

e.l.f. cosmetics are cool because they don't test on animals, support PETA and their products aren't made from actual elves!


Giraffe Toes

Faux Giraffe Fact: Giraffes do not generally stand on their toes. They are quite tall enough, thank you. Lindsy was a fun model. I hope to body paint her again.
I'm really lucky to have some great models that I work with. Many of the models you may notice in different body paint photo shoots. It's nice when a you shoot with someone for a second, third and forth time because everyone is much more comfortable.
Some of the things I try to do to make my models more comfortable include letting them bring a friend, asking if the temperature is ok, encouraging breaks and snacks. I think the most important thing is edit the photos with the model. It doesn't matter how beautiful a model is, everyone has photos where they think they look bad. It could be that their smile is a little too goofy, their butt a bit too big or maybe they just think they have ugly elbows. I think if the model knows that they can delete any photo that they hate, it makes them much more comfortable when we shoot. It's all about making the model comfortable. If he or she isn't comfortable, it shows in the images.


Veiled. Silver

I posted this but it didn't show. At least I think it didn't show.
I am however on painkillers for bumping my noggin (which sounds like it should be a much more exciting euphemism than it is). The conflict between my head and the loading bay door was declared a draw with neither displaying appreciable damage.


body painting with silver mesh fabric

I am usually not a big fan of the gray and silver family of color. I typically prefer bright saturated colors. I do like how the silver mesh fabric almost makes the image look grainy.

Jeff Sim Canadian Body Paint Model

Jeff looks like he's body painted as a super hero. Or is he body painted as a super villain?


She's smokin'.

Literally and figuratively.
Yes, that is a grill sheet rolled up on her head. Did you really need to ask?
FYI, my studio is a non-smoking space but we were outside for the shoot. Smoking is bad. It causes cancer. Cancer kills people. It makes their loved ones very sad. Simplistically explained but true.


I love rope lights with body painting!

I have fun shooting with my red rope lights. They provide the only lighting for this shot. It's interesting to me how they reflect off of the metallic of the body paint. This is another image from the mardi gras in ferngully shoot.


Fetal giraffe body paint

Boy, I sure hope nobody is trying to google images for science homework on fetal giraffes. Student, take note, this is not a scientifically accurate representation of giraffe development but rather a young woman body painted in an abstract giraffe design and curled up in a fetal position. While the illustration may amuse your teacher, it will not in any way increase your gpa. Trust me on this. I know all about low GPAs.


Amanda's body painting

This was one of the first body painting shoots I did once I set up my studio.
I dig the abstract and sculptural nature of many of the images.


Mardi Gras in Ferngully

Or at least that's what Pandora Rose thought her body painting looked like.
She was very patient as I body painted her and glued moss and rhinestones to her.


Red Body Painting

Jeremy's Back. He's all fierce and a dragon in this body paint image.


Body paint on my roof

Bobbie Dai is all veiled mysterious and body painted like an alien on my roof.


body paint shadows and gold leaf spirals

I like how mysterious this body paint photo is.